Last week, a friend experienced a breakdown. This friend is fairly successful, independent, presentable & loved. But, thats no guarantee against breakdowns. We are all human beings. We hurt ourselves, get confused, feel worthless or rejected at some point in our lives.

However, what’s really important is for us to have someone to speak to at such time. Not just friends & family but a trained medical professional. If you had a kidney failure, would you ask your friend what meds to take? No. You will go to a specialist. Therefore, when you feel emotionally vulnerable, you need to speak to a qualified medical professional.

When my friend’s family asked me to recommend a therapist in Mumbai, I could only think of two names. However, both of them were traveling at the time.


That’s when I tweeted for help & personal recommendation. People were kind to respond promptly with references.

I thought it might be a good idea to share the list of these Mumbai Mental Health professionals with everyone.

At a vulnerable time, sometimes, it may just be a matter of talking to the right professional which can help avert any unfortunate scenario.

Please share this list as widely as possible. You never know who needs help right now but doesn’t know where to go.

If you want to add to this list, please tweet to me on @AkanchaS or write to me at:

Name Contact Number
Dr Shaunak Ajinkya Kokilaben Ambani Hospital- 022 3099 9999
Sonali Gupta 022-25265500/+91-7666360360
Dr Vasant Mundra Hinduja Hospital- 022 2445 1515
Dr Nilesh Shah Lokmanya Tilak Hospital – 022 2407 6381
Dr Anjali Karira +91 9769432208
Rochelle 99-30-746648
ICallHelpline 022-25563291
Dr Anjali Chabbria 022 2628 9792
Dr. Dayal Mirchandani 98690 89521
Syeda Ruksheda 022 2636 1934
Dr Milan 9930160068
Dr Varsha Patkar 098330 65549
Dr Laura Vaz 022 2432 4076
Khushnaaz Noras 9167007355
Dr Pervin Dadachanji 9820001939
Dr Seema Hingorrany 26421230, 26400997
Dr Varkha Chulani 26483033 (M) 9820283182
Shefali Batra 9821646409

Please exercise your own judgment in meeting these professionals. I have only compiled the list  from references that I had received.

Stay Healthy. Stay Positive.

And ask for help when needed. Life is precious.

With love!


I am the Founder & Director of Azure, Strategic Brand Consulting Firm based in Mumbai. I have had the good fortune of traveling across far away lands. I have also met some incredible people- monks, healers, leaders, magicians, entrepreneurs and more. This blog is an attempt to share these moments. If it strikes a chord with even one person or makes you smile, the purpose would have been served.


  1. Darshan Kanani

    thank you Akancha for this …. it is really very helpful.

    keep inspiring others for taking that step which was uncomfortable.

  2. Akancha

    Thanks a lot for your kind words. I really hope that it is helpful and resourceful.

  3. Akancha

    That’s a complex and long answer. I can write a separate post on it though there are several resources published by expert mental health professionals available online. It’s different from one person to another. However, there are several signs to watch out for.

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