Spice Merchants Of Goodness!One of my favorite stories about how greatness attracts goodness revolves around the spice merchants of ancient times. Picture this: merchants, journeying across rugged landscapes, hauling exotic goods over long, arduous paths. In an age devoid of modern advertising, mass communication, or social media, they had no way to announce their arrival. Yet, with every step they took, a trail of intoxicating aromas followed them, whispering through the air and announcing their presence long before they were seen.

As the scent of their spices reached distant towns, people would drop what they were doing and follow the alluring fragrance. They didn’t need a billboard or an email campaign. The quality of their goods spoke for itself. It was as if the very essence of their work was magnetic, drawing those who recognized the value they offered. These spice routes, carefully etched into the history of kingdoms, were proof that excellence doesn’t need to shout—it only needs to be authentic.

This age-old tale carries a profound lesson for us today: Good work, in its purest form, has a magnetic power. It attracts what it needs—people, opportunities, recognition. It doesn’t go unnoticed by those who are meant to notice it. The key is in the journey. Just like the merchants who persevered through rough terrains, we, too, must trust in the process. We may face moments of doubt, people might come and go, but good work has a way of finding its way to the right hands. It will never escape those who recognize its value.

In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded by the need to self-promote, to announce our intentions loudly. But sometimes, the most powerful form of self-expression is the quiet confidence that comes from knowing your worth. Like a rare spice, true goodness doesn’t demand attention; it simply exudes its own brilliance, making its presence known through its impact.

Beautiful things don’t chase attention; they naturally command it. The same applies to your work, your authenticity, your spirit. Let your goodness ripple through the lives you touch, and watch as it gathers the right people and opportunities around you.

Be beautiful, inside and out. Let your essence speak for itself.

#Gratitude #AkanchaSrivastava


I am the Founder & Director of Azure, Strategic Brand Consulting Firm based in Mumbai. I have had the good fortune of traveling across far away lands. I have also met some incredible people- monks, healers, leaders, magicians, entrepreneurs and more. This blog is an attempt to share these moments. If it strikes a chord with even one person or makes you smile, the purpose would have been served.

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